Nina Boteva Law Office

Changes to the Law on Labor Migration and Labor Mobility

The changes to the Law on Labor Migration and Labor Mobility (LLMLM) were promulgated at the end of January 2023. The legislative changes in the LLMLM are the result of amendments to the Law on Foreigners in the Republic of Bulgaria and the regulations on its application, the Law on Bulgarian Personal Documents and the Law on Promotion of Employment.

The changes in the LLMLM expand the possibilities for applying for a Blue Card and subsequent employment, as well as regulate the possibility of staying in Bulgaria during the procedure for issuing a Blue Card on the basis of an issued short-term visa.

The obstacles related to the secondment of foreign employees with a Blue Card, both within Bulgaria and outside the country for a certain period, have been lifted. A possibility for the holder of a Blue Card issued by another EU member state to be posted and to work on the territory of Bulgaria for a certain period is also envisaged.

An opportunity to work remotely on the territory of the country is introduced, in case this is agreed upon between the employer and the foreign employee.

An alternative and equivalent option to the acquired higher education is provided for the admission of foreigners who possess a "high professional qualification", certified by proof of a high degree of professional skills.

The term for exercising highly qualified employment only on the territory of Bulgaria has been reduced from 24 months to 12 months, however this limitation does not apply to business trips abroad.

The procedure for changing employers has also been amended – after the expiration of the first 12 months of highly qualified employment, the foreigner can change his employer freely, and for this purpose the new employer should only notify the Employment Agency electronically.

An opportunity has also been introduced for the foreigner to carry out activity as a self-employed person, in parallel with the highly qualified employment, and this not leading to the withdrawal of the Blue Card. Any activity as a self-employed person can only have an additional character to the principal employment of the person concerned.

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