Nina Boteva Law Office

Monthly Bulletin - October 2020

At the beginning of September, the Council of Ministers in Bulgaria adopted Ordinance on the terms and conditions for creating, maintaining and using the information systems of the cadastre and the property register, on the access to the data in them and the access to the data in other specialized information systems (hereinafter only the Ordinance). The Ordinance stipulates that the information systems of the cadastre and the property register shall be built as two connected information systems. The connection of the information systems is done on the basis of automation, unification and combination of the maximum possible number of activities in the cadastre and property register and avoiding duplication of common data in both systems, subject to the competences of the two agencies. Both information systems are built, maintained and used in a way to ensure security of property rights and other real rights of the natural persons and the legal entities over real estate, as well as reliability, publicity and accessibility of data about them, in accordance with the law. Наредба за условията и реда за създаване, поддържане и ползване на информационните системи на кадастъра и на имотния регистър, за достъпа до данните в тях и достъпа до данните в други специализирани информационни системи (по-нататък само Наредбата). С Наредбата се предвижда информационните системи на кадастъра и на имотния регистър да се изграждат като две свързани информационни системи. Свързването на информационните системи се извършва въз основа на автоматизиране, обединяване и съвместяване на максимално голям възможен брой дейности по кадастъра и имотния регистър и избягване на дублирането на общите данни в двете системи, при спазване сферите на компетентност на двете агенции, определени от закона. Двете информационни системи се изграждат, поддържат и ползват по начин, който да осигури сигурност на правото на собственост и другите вещни права на физическите и юридическите лица върху недвижими имоти, както и надеждност, публичност и достъпност на данните за тях, съобразно изискванията на закона.

The information systems provide functional coverage and information services on the territory of the whole country at a guaranteed level of services and the degree of reliability of operation and provision of services stated in the requirements according to the Electronic Government Act and the Ordinance for the minimum requirements for network and information security. The Agency for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre and the Registry Agency create and maintain Internet portals for remote access to information systems for providing services. The information systems maintain valid, high-quality and up-to-date information necessary for the provision of services by the information systems, and the responsibility for maintaining the validity and the quality of such information is a responsibility of the Agency for Geodesy, Cartography and cadastre and the Registry Agency. 

The usage of the information systems is carried out in a way that ensures publicity of the cadastre and the property register. Restrictions on access to information systems are allowed only on the grounds established by law. The provision of data from the cadastral map and the cadastral registers and from the property register is done in the form of references and services from the Agency for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre and the Registry Agency, including through remote access to the information systems.

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